As we mentioned, the Non-Lucrative Visa process for Spain is not finished when you receive your passports / Visas back from your Consulate in the US. There are still steps to take once you arrive in Spain. (How do you obtain a Non-Lucrative Visa to Spain? Read more how we did it here).
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Many steps taken in Granada, Spain. |
In a previous post we mentioned taking care of the Empadronarse when you first arrive in Spain. We are still waiting to hear back / make an appointment to pick ours up (about 4 weeks from our last appointment date which was April 23).
I turned to this blog post for what to do next. Some of the information on this post was accurate for today, and some of it was different in my experience. As stated in this blog post, the Visa in your passport is only temporary. You need to finish the process in Spain which includes making an appointment (for everyone in your family) at the Extranjeria (Foreigner’s Office) for the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero). The TIE is your residency permit for the remainder of your stay. Prior to this step, as I mentioned in a previous post, we made an appointment for the Empadronarse (which we are still waiting to receive).
TIE Appointments
I went to this website to set up our four appointments for the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero). Like the blog post mentioned above, I found it helpful to read this site in Chrome since it translated to English.
Once I entered into the website it was pretty self explanatory and easy to book an appointment (which I did four times total for all four family members). I had to enter the location (Granada). Then pick the location in Granada for the appointment: Oficina de Extranjeria en Granada, San Agapito, 2. The next option (TRÁMITES OFICINAS DE EXTRANJERÍA / Foreign Office Procedures) I chose SOLICITUD DE AUTORIZACIONES (Application for Authorizations). There was one more area to fill in on this page (TRÁMITES CUERPO NACIONAL DE POLICÍA / National Police Force Procedures) I chose the first option which was the only one that made sense POLICIA - RECOGIDA DE TARJETA DE IDENTIDADE DE EXTRANJERO (TIE) / Police - Collection of Foreign Identity Card (TIE). Then I hit accept.
The rest of the appointment booking is pretty self explanatory. You enter your NIE number (this is found in your passport on the Visa page) and name. You also enter a (Spanish!) number and your email (we took care of getting Spanish cell phone numbers when we first arrived in Madrid). You choose the date and time (there were plenty available but about a month or more away). Before you finalize the appointment they do send a code to your cell phone that you enter. I was able to get us all four appointments within the same hour on the same day.
Documents Needed for the Appointment
-Empadronarse: Some locations in Spain require this, and apparently some don’t. Hopefully this will be completed before our appointment.
-Two copies of the Appointment Confirmation emails. I am going to print out two copies of all four emails (Spanish). And one copy of my email in English for my reference.
-Apparently we need 2 or 3 passport-sized photos. Not the US size - Spain size. I have been told (in Granada at least) these are more like photo booths. Once we complete this process, I can provide updates, as needed.
-Valid Passports: I will bring the originals to our appointment along with copies of our main page, Visa page, and the stamp when we entered the Schengen zone.
-Carta de Resolución: I found this step to be exactly as described on this blog here. See this blog for exact details. Basically go to this site. Fill out this site for each person in your family - NIE number, date of your appointment with your Consulate in the US (for us 02/26/21 but put in as Spanish date 26/02/21) and your birth year. It will then take you to a page with information about you / your Visa. Print out this sheet twice. Or in our case, I saved PDF copies to print elsewhere.
-Paid M790 Codigo 012 Form: I found this same blog post to be very helpful, and this followed my experience exactly. Or almost exactly. I did generate the form for each of us using this link, but the blog post mentioned it would generate three copies. I don’t believe that happened for me so I will get three copies printed out.
I found the rest of the directions under the M790 section to be fairly accurate and easy to follow. In May of 2021 it seems like our cost will be 15.92 euros each.
Apparently we take all four forms to a bank to take care of the payment. We should be able to go to any major bank to take care of it.
Update: We went to BBVA today (around Noon). The person that we spoke with said we could come back the next day between 8:30 - 11 am and speak to a teller. We will try again tomorrow!
Another Update: We did return in the AM the next day. It went fairly smoothly. They only took euros (not Credit Card) least that is how they did it for us. We also paid individually for all four. The bank teller seemed to run them up separately. He stamped our paperwork with a paid stamp and date.
-EX-17 Form: Per the same blog I’ve been referencing, we may need this form filled out for each of us. I will plan to do this just in case. The link on the blog post didn’t work, but the link on this blog post for the EX-17 form did work.
-Non-Lucrative Visa to Spain Paperwork: I haven’t heard or read that it is needed, but I plan to bring all our Non-Lucrative Visa paperwork to our appointment. Just in case!
-Update: We got all our color print outs and copies completed. It was less than 12 euros total for all of it.
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There are many steps to the Non-Lucrative Visa process in Spain. And many steps in Granada (Realejo neighborhood in Granada). |
Here is another blog post that I found helpful as I was navigating through this process.
Another expat that arrived a few months before us on the same Visa (Non-Lucrative Visa to Spain) outlined her experience here which was helpful to go through also to make sure I had all the steps and items for the TIE.
Note, we have not had our appointment yet, but when do we can provide an update. Apparently after you have your appointment, you need to make another appointment to pick up your TIE cards. This blog goes into that experience more. And this blog post also goes into that process.
Quick summary. Want to read more about how to obtain a Non-Lucrative Visa to Spain (or how to FIRE ... Financial Independence Retire Early)? Start here. How did we move abroad during a global pandemic? Look back here and at our arrival in Madrid before we moved on to Granada, Spain. Next, work in the Empadronarse as soon as you arrive.
You can read Erik’s latest financial post on One Month of Groceries in Granada, Spain here.
What do you think about this process? Comment below. If you are also working on your Non-Lucrative Visa to Spain also comment below. Let us know your experience.
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