Family of Four Taking Flight to Financial Independence

Becoming Nomads: Travel Gear (Travel Pillows)

If you read our last post (FI in 2020: New Year, New Beginnings (FI in 5 Years or Less!?)), you know we took our first big step towards FI (financial independence) and nomad life ... we sold our house and are living the temporary apartment life.  So far, so good (less space, less stuff, less to take care of ... sounds good to me)!

We've had many reactions (and questions) from people given that we have taken our first big step towards FI and nomad life (that's for another post), but a friend texted me this ... and I thought it was a good one to hold on to (thank you!).  (We are definitely not saying this is easy so positive reactions and support are helpful!).

"How exciting for you and your family!  So adventurous.  You are doing so many things most of us are scared of!  A new culture and way of life ...showing your kids life is out there!  Go live it!"


So what's next towards our big adventure to FI and nomad life?

Our (my) next BIG focus is prepping everything we need to obtain our Non-lucrative Visas.  This process feels overwhelming, very detailed, and it will be time consuming (but worth it, hopefully!).  At this point my main goals are to: 1) secure Non-lucrative Visa appointment (March-ish or maybe before) about 90 days out from appointment (June-ish or maybe before).  2) start making a list of everything I need to do and gather within that time period (Marchish - Juneish) for the Non-lucrative Visas.  (If we don't secure a Visa, we can only stay in Spain for 90 days with an American passport).

I'm sure January and February will fly by (especially with working FT), so I must get on my preparations.

So what else besides the Visas? ... Well, of course there are many other things to do ... but one "smaller" but still important task is figuring out what we are taking (just what is on our backs!) and what travel gear would be useful to us.  We really want to be smart packers (keeping it minimal and light!) so with that will require some research and testing out.

In our last post we also mentioned some of our Christmas gifts focused on travel items and gear.  Erik and I failed to communicate, and we both got the kids travel pillows (he also got two for us).  Not surprisingly, mine are based more on aesthetics, and his purchase was based on function.

(And I was totally sucked in by Facebook ads for gifts this year ... anyone else?!)

Tsumettows: They are cute.  They are from Japan.  And cute little pillow friend stuffed animals come out!?!  They can hold other goodies too ... I bet!  (Oh, and bonus ... they are soft, and the kids love them!).  Will they make it on our travels?

REI Co-op Trailbreak Foam Pillow: Erik got us four of these.  One side is to keep you cool (warm weather!) ... one side is for colder weather.  They fold up even smaller!  And maybe their biggest clever perk ... they can attach to another bag (which makes traveling with them even easier).

So what's our review?  Both are great!  Kids love both, and adults also give the REI one a positive review.  Will all make it on our travels?  Maybe not.  The Japanese one might be a bit bulky, but we shall see what the kids decide to prioritize.

So are travel pillows important for you?  Given our future life as nomads, I do think they are a priority.  We can't have sleepy and grumpy travelers!  Do you have a go to travel pillow?  What is your favorite travel gear?


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